City of Redwing, MN - Vactor 2100i
Manufacturer: Vactor
Model: 2100i
Let's get to work! Redwing, Minnesota has a new VACTOR 2100i vac truck. Check out how it handles in tight quarters!
Nothing beats push-bottom operation. Greater precision and controls that truly put the operator in control. Rugged, reliable and simple.
- RDB 1015™ Rapid Deployment Boom that telescopes out 10’ and extends the debris hose down 15’ eliminating the need for additional tubes.
- Low maintenance Jet Rodder® Water Pump provides smooth continuous flows and optional “jackhammer” action
- IntuiTouch® one-touch in-cab controls for PTO/Transfer Case activation at the touch of a button
- IntuiTouch control panel that combines all cleaning system functions into one, articulating control panel