Hurst Cutters
S 378 E3 Cutter

S 789 E3 Cutter

S 799 E3 Cutter

S 377E2 Cutter

This cutter is like a great white on steroids. The large blade opening gives this cutter quite a bite. The S 377E2 conveniently rips through metal and gives you a huge edge in extrications. Move over competition, or you’ll get hurt.
S 788E2 Cutter

This cutter can get its jaws around just about anything. With a 7.87-inch opening, it can cut through current vehicle construction as well as future construction with ease. The perfect hero for any rescue team.
S 799E2 Cutter

The best rescue cutter ever designed. This eDRAULIC® cutter can’t wait to get its blades around today’s bigger, stronger, meaner steel with an 8.03-inch opening. It has no problems with modern B posts and tool swing challenges aren’t a problem when cutting A and B posts either — just cut them easily at a comfortable perpendicular angle. This cutter is so strong it gets an NFPA rating of 9 in all categories, making it the best in class.